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The Essential Components of an Email Marketing Campaign

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    Email marketers say having quality data/lists is the key to successful email campaigns, according to a recent report from Howling Mad.

    The report was based on the results of a survey of 304 global email marketers (60% US-based; 25% UK; 15% other), 55% of whom work for brands and 45% of whom work for agencies.

    Asked how much they think various factors influence email response rates, respondents rated data/list quality first and segment selection second.

    Subject lines ranked as the third most important element, followed by cross-device rendering, deliverability infrastructure, and human creativity.

    The factors rated as having the least influence on response rates are list size and email service provider (ESP).

    Though quality of data/lists, segment selection, and subject lines are rated as the top three email elements both by brand and by agency marketers, there is significant variation in how they order the various factors.

    Not surprisingly, agencies view the services they tend to offer—such as data quality services, deliverability advice/infrastructure, and segmentation abilities—as more important than factors they don't control.

    However, one of the factors most within human control, subject lines, is actually viewed as being more important by brand marketers than by agency marketers.

    About the research: The report was based on the results of a survey of 304 global email marketers (60% US-based, 25% UK, 15% other), 55% of whom work for brands and 45% of whom work for agencies.


    Article information

    Author: Glenn Townsend

    Last Updated: 1703508962

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    Name: Glenn Townsend

    Birthday: 1936-03-07

    Address: 699 Clay Village, New Tylerchester, NY 14927

    Phone: +4792959450954228

    Job: Pilot

    Hobby: Cycling, DIY Electronics, Badminton, Rock Climbing, Soccer, Whiskey Distilling, Skiing

    Introduction: My name is Glenn Townsend, I am a lively, daring, fearless, tenacious, Colorful, unreserved, proficient person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.