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After a bombshell of $27 trillion for Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB, and XRP, the CEO of Binance reveals when the next cryptocurrency price bull run might occur

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    Bitcoin BTC , ethereum and other major cryptocurrencies, including BNB and XRP XRP , have been turbo-charged by $27 trillion worth of surprise Wall Street interest this year.

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    The bitcoin price has doubled since the beginning of 2023, with some still expecting a China earthquake, adding $300 billion to the combined bitcoin, ethereum, BNB, XRP and crypto market (coming alongside a shock IMF crypto flip).

    Now, the chief executive of the world's largest bitcoin and crypto exchange, the billionaire Changpeng "CZ" Zhao, has issued a 2025 crypto bull run price prediction—dismissing the "threat" to Binance from the likes of BlackRock and other Wall Street giants.

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    MORE FROM FORBESShock Flip Reveals 'Unprecedented' $9 Trillion 'Revolution' Could Be About To Hit The Price Of Bitcoin And Major Cryptos Ethereum, BNB And XRPBy Billy Bambrough

    Changpeng "CZ" Zhao, the founder and chief executive of major crypto exchange Binance, remains ... [+] bullish about the bitcoin price despite the issues the bitcoin, ethereum, BNB and XRP market is facing.

    Sportsfile for Web Summit via Getty Images

    "The year after bitcoin halving is usually the bull year," CZ said during a question-and-answer Twitter Spaces broadcast this week, forecasting the ongoing bitcoin and crypto price winter could continue for at least another 18 months.

    Bitcoin's upcoming so-called halving—currently scheduled for April next year—will see the number of new bitcoins issued to those who secure the bitcoin network, known as miners, cut by half from the current block reward of 6.25 bitcoin to just 3.125 bitcoin.

    Last month, analysts at JPMorgan said they expect bitcoin's 2024 halving to double the production cost of new bitcoin, potentially setting a new bitcoin price floor.

    While CZ said he couldn't accurately predict the future and warned of the dangers of trying to forecast the bitcoin price, he pointed to bitcoin's previous boom and bust cycles as one reason for his 2025 bull run price prediction that could see the bitcoin price eclipse its last peak of almost $70,000 per bitcoin.

    "I see a lot of parallels with bitcoin's past cycles with bitcoin's 2013, 2017 and 2021 bull markets," CZ said. "If you look to the past, there are clear patterns."

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    MORE FROM FORBESIMF Suddenly Flips On Crypto As Wall Street Fuels A $200 Billion Bitcoin, Ethereum And Crypto Price RallyBy Billy Bambrough

    Bitcoin has recently gone through a boom and bust cycle that began in 2020. CZ's bitcoin price ... [+] prediction sees the next bitcoin, ethereum, BNB, XRP and crypto price bull run coming in 2025.

    Forbes Digital Assets

    CZ went on to call the recent slew of U.S. bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) applications led by BlackRock (whose chief executive has suddenly flipped on bitcoin) "hugely beneficial" for the crypto industry, at the same time downplaying the potential impact on Binance.

    "Anyone who’s coming into crypto that’s not in crypto today will bring additional people into crypto," CZ said. "Will they compete for any of the existing users with us? Yes, probably a little bit. But to be honest, look at our user base. The overlap is minimal."

    CZ also addressed the global crypto regulatory crackdown that's left Binance facing probes in the U.S., Europe and across Asia, saying the exchange is seeking "the most expedient, reasonable and mutually agreeable solution possible."


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    Author: Laura Soto

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    Introduction: My name is Laura Soto, I am a Colorful, dear, candid, treasured, unguarded, Determined, honest person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.